Corporate Or A Startup? Which Company You Should Join In Initial Days Of Your Career

Date: 16 Sep, 2021

A career’s early formative years are vital and exciting. During the first four or five years, you discover your professional self, take risks, and even make mistakes. Considering the abundance of career options available in the market, freshers are often conflicted about joining startups or going the corporate route. 

Starting a business often means having a small team, which gives each member more responsibility. There is more to learn than just one skill. Anyone who has just graduated can use this opportunity to discover where their strengths reside, hone in on specific skill sets, and discover where their strengths lie. 

According to the Wall Street Journal, three out of four startups fail, so it’s evident that working for a startup involves risk. But even if the startup fails, it will still offer you valuable experience and skills you can leverage in your future.

Startups offer many opportunities to learn, and some people thrive in the sink-or-swim mentality often associated with new companies. There is much at stake in a startup, and emotions can run high and workload can be heavy. However, thanks to that high level of stress, we can generate great ideas, innovate, and be rewarded.

Startups may seem intimidating at the first glance, but if the sink or swim attitude doesn’t intimidate you off, it can be a great way to quickly gain several valuable skills for your resume. You’ll get to wear many hats, learn a lot on the job, and also have an impressive resume even if things don’t work out.

Even though startups may fail, there is always the possibility it will be a success, and even if it doesn’t, you will certainly walk away with a useful experience to help you secure your next job.

A big company will offer you far less influence than a small one. You’ll probably have to wait a lot longer if you want a top-level position. In contrast, you will have a better understanding of how startups function and have the chance to actually speak your mind. Getting promoted may look completely different, however, if your boss is in the CEO position, it might never open up. Thus, you may need to broaden your role in other ways, which may make the road to your ultimate goal look a lot less linear. 

In a big corporation, it takes years and years to become a true leader with significant ownership. It’s not the same with a startup. Having awesome skills will bring you growth and advancement in your career faster. Having worked in big companies after college, Mark Zuckerberg could not have become the CEO of one. He could only rise to the top of a company by founding it or, in general, by joining a super small team. Hence, joining a startup can dramatically accelerate your career.

Job opportunities for startup employees can present a huge risk and the founders and employees both need to put a lot of effort and passion into the company to succeed. 

An entrepreneur is part of something much bigger than his or her job. At a startup, you are helping to build something bigger than what you alone can achieve. Certainly, you need to write code, write blog posts, etc., but you’re much more than that. Building a business is what you’re doing. Yet, it is difficult to put into words how that feels. It’s like creating a community or making new friends when you’re a member of a small company. It’s like starting something from nothing, where the people involved are the same as you. It could become something important, something valuable, something radically different. An amazing amount of excitement prevails. 

Your experience and personal objectives will ultimately guide the decision of whether to work for a startup. One person might thrive in a startup culture, while another might thrive at a big company. Research both avenues and determine if working for a big company or a startup is the right career path for you.

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